
Why do frugality bloggers all love jesus so much?

I’m a thrifty gal, a saver.  You could call me a Recessionista if you were being obnoxious, but mostly I’m just poor but still love to take vacations.  To this end, I’ve been an active reader of frugality blogs for over a year.  The women who write these blogs devote hours to poring over circulars, matching and stacking coupons to get the best deal, linking to printable coupons, posting recipes–it’s really over the top, but it’s really handy.

Except every now and then I’ll be reading a post about how to buy wholesale grains, and someone will throw in a statement like “I’m saving for my family and glorifying god”, or someone will comment with a “your weightloss glorifies god.”  Really? One woman is acquiring hordes of stuff no one needs like 20 bottles of contact solution or pasta-roni and another woman is eating fat-free hotdogs and whining about missing chocolate.  How does that glorify god?  Perhaps it’s because I’m not a big fan of god, but I really don’t see the connection.

I’m fine with people loving their religion–live and let live, but it also seems like there’s a time and a place for everything, and this may not be the place.  I also understand that you’re supposed think about god with everything you do, but doesn’t this seem a bit un-special?  Remember when glorifying god actually meant something?  This is all too easy.  I have to say, even as an avowed atheist, I find this a bit offensive, and think I would find it even more offensive if I was trying to glorify god by doing charity work and/or donating my time or talent to a worthy cause.

Similarly, I play the game Sorority Life on facebook.  I’m not proud of this, but it’s a nice, mindless distraction at times.  In this game, you advance levels by socializing and fighting to gain influence points and destroy anothers’ confidence.  In order to be better at fighting, you have to buy things like stretch hummer limos, dresses and handbags.  This is a game that glorifies everything wrong with consumer culture and vapidity, and yet I got into a huge fight with a woman who insisted on making grandiose faith statements every chance she got.  I removed her from my house without saying anything, and when she asked why, I simply told her that I didn’t think it was an appropriate venue for that, and that I didn’t want to hear it.  She then started yelling scripture at me, and got other friends of hers on board who told me to “check myself.”

If she’s entitled to her opinion, why am I not entitled to mine?  This is remarkably similar to the school of though that says if something offends them, that something should cease to exist.  What happened to reason, respect and rational argument?

July 1, 2010 Posted by | by theagirl, frugality, seriously? | , , , , | Leave a comment